Hello, there!
If you're reading this, you may know that I'm a Blogger veteran. I had a main blog going for a few years, and a few side collab blogs and book review blogs that never really went anywhere. My blogging activity dwindled and eventually came to a full stop, then I discovered Tumblr. That became the staple of my internet life for a long time and it was fantastic, I made friends there and was introduced to many things that now I don't know where I'd be without. I recently deleted my account, having realized that the amount of time it was taking up and the easy distraction it provided were good for neither my personal life nor my grades. However, I had begun to want to get back to "real" blogging; actually sitting down to think out and write a post. Not just for its own sake but also because I miss enjoying writing outside of schoolwork (and at UD there is a LOT of that). So I'm starting over again with this blog. I don't know how often I'll update or how long this may last, but for what it's worth it's here now. Enjoy?
The title of this blog is taken from a poem by Emily Dickinson, one of my favorite poets. It's a poem I've always been attached to and identified with and there's something about that line that I feel says a lot about our society and about me personally. There might be a more in-depth post about this in the future, so keep an eye out for that.
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