Wednesday, August 29, 2012

School, Sweet School

Woah! I'm actually posting! Didn't see that comin', did ya? I haven't been lazy or anything, I just like to keep you on your toes.*

Let me paint you a picture. More of a collage, actually. The scene(s): Various locations at a small, slightly downtrodden but not without its charm, college campus; mostly the rooms of a three-bedroom suite in the newest dorm, currently inhabited by three girls who are absolutely delighted to have that suite. Their resourcefulness and similar tastes for decoration have combined to make it a unique, pretty, and cozy little set of rooms. These three girls are the best of friends, and in these pictures they're seen in different combinations with their other friends or just by themselves, hugging and chatting and usually laughing. Old jokes and nicknames are renewed and their old peculiar brand of camaraderie is back in full force. Sometimes you can see that they're a little bit worried about one thing or another; classes, financial aid, the usual. But for the most part they're just happy to be back where and with whom, after the previous year of shared trials and adventures, they truly feel they belong.

I couldn't be happier to say that that's my life right now. Firstly, I'm so, so, so happy to be back with my friends. Sadly, we're missing some members of the gang but on the bright side, that leaves those of us left behind to grow even closer. Then of course there's the triple. This suite is a huge step up from our respective living spaces last year (although of course, once a Theresa girl, always a Theresa girl) and as I said, we've managed to make it look pretty nice. On the academic side of things, I have to say I'm not really looking forward to some of my classes but who knows, right? Politics class may turn out to be more fun than I think....maybe. However, I will be glad to get back to classes with my wonderful Italian professor[essa] and I have high hopes for this semester's literature class (I get to read and discuss Jane Austen!). Overall, it's just great to be back in the bubble. This is a really important semester because it's the prequel to Rome, which is hopefully where I'll be in the spring. It's also important because this past summer wasn't one of the best I've had and that was entirely due to my not being the best I could have and should have been. I need to make that up to myself and others so these coming months are loaded with resolutions and expectations for me, here's hoping I manage to make good on all of them and have a great semester. In any case, I'm smiling these days and I hope you are too. Hope everyone is having a good back to school! Stay tuned for pictures of my dorm (which may take a while considering that I need my family to mail me my iPod, aka my only camera), thoughts on being an English major and further adventures with the merry band of misfits I call my very dear friends.

*This is a blatant, shameless lie. I'm just lazy.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


In quiet lonely moments
It so often seems that
The feelings in my mind
And the thoughts kept in my heart
Become voices
Scolding, lamenting, accusing
Louder and louder
A silent shouting chaos.
Wrong, wrong, wrong
And so little right
Nothing to do but listen
Let them shout
Get it out
Think, curse, pray
Choose a better way
Hope that actions will speak loud enough
To quiet them someday.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Let's try this again, shall we?

Hello, there!
If you're reading this, you may know that I'm a Blogger veteran. I had a main blog going for a few years, and a few side collab blogs and book review blogs that never really went anywhere. My blogging activity dwindled and eventually came to a full stop, then I discovered Tumblr. That became the staple of my internet life for a long time and it was fantastic, I made friends there and was introduced to many things that now I don't know where I'd be without. I recently deleted my account, having realized that the amount of time it was taking up and the easy distraction it provided were good for neither my personal life nor my grades. However, I had begun to want to get back to "real" blogging; actually sitting down to think out and write a post. Not just for its own sake but also because I miss enjoying writing outside of schoolwork (and at UD there is a LOT of that). So I'm starting over again with this blog. I don't know how often I'll update or how long this may last, but for what it's worth it's here now. Enjoy?


The title of this blog is taken from a poem by Emily Dickinson, one of my favorite poets. It's a poem I've always been attached to and identified with and there's something about that line that I feel says a lot about our society and about me personally. There might be a more in-depth post about this in the future, so keep an eye out for that.